Many patients come to see me in Mamaroneck seeking acupuncture for various conditions. Most of these patients not only get acupuncture and herbal medicine but they also get help through lifestyle adjustments. Adjusting your sleep is one of them, Going to bed at a reasonable time can have a strong effect on your mental, emotional and physical health.
In ancient China people believed the cycles of the body followed the cycles of the natural world. They thought if you go against these natural cycles disease will arise. The ancient Chinese also believed you should not only dress properly for the seasons but you should also attune your exercise, rest, sleep, diet and lifestyle to fit with the changing of the seasons. For example, in winter time you should eat more warming and nourishing foods such as meat, root vegetables, cabbage and other winter vegetables. You should also eat more cooked foods and fewer raw foods. In the winter time you should also go to bed earlier and sleep a little later. Exercise should be more contemplative and meditative. Qigong and meditation are good for the winter time. Life should slow down during this time of the year. The winter time in Chinese medicine corresponds to the water element. In Chinese Cosmology the organ related to the water element are the Kidneys. The Kidneys should be nourished during the times that correspond to the water element.