Does acupuncture hurt?
Acupuncture should not be painful experience. It is possible for you to feel various sensations when the needles are inserted. Some patients experience, heaviness, aching or a tingling sensation once the needles are in. Some patients have a feeling as if their body feels like it is sinking into the table. Occaisionally patients will feel a light pinch when the needles are inserted. The needle stimulation can be adjusted to the comfort level of each patient. Acupuncture should be a relaxing experience. If any sensation is preventing a patient from relaxing the needle can be adjusted or even removed. One of most important thing is for patients to relax. Often patients will fall asleep once the needles are in.
How should i prepare for my first visit?
You should watch all the new patient videos in the welcome email to familiarize yourself with acupuncture and Chinese medicine and the workings of the office. Before coming for your first visit you should make sure you are not hungry or too full. You should wear loose fitting comfortable clothes.
How many treatments will I need?
This will differ for each patient. Generally speaking however, for minor or recent complaints, such as a simple muscle strain only a few treatments may be necessary. The longer a condition has existed and the more serious the condition is, the more treatments will be necessary. For conditions that have lasted months or years, dozens of treatments may be necessary over a long period of time.
How often will I need treatment?
Similar to the previous question, this will vary from person to person. In the beginning, minor chronic conditions will need at least weekly treatment. For intense pain, long-standing problems, acute injury, or any more serious problem 2, 3, or more treatments per week may be necessary. In China, acupuncture is often given daily or every other day. In the United States this schedule may not be possible due to financial and time constraints, but still 2 or 3 treatments per week may be necessary for more serious conditions. A problem that may go away with 6 treatments at twice per week might take 10 or more treatments at weekly intervals. Thus, the more frequent treatment schedule in the long run will reduce the total number of treatments needed, reduce the overall recovery time, and cut down on the cost of treatment. Using herbal therapies at home in most cases also cuts down on the total number of treatments, frequency of therapy, and total cost to the patient. Some patients do not come for acupuncture treatment at all and just take Chinese Herbal Medicine. There is always a sweet spot which can fit each patients schedule and finances.
Do I need to change my diet and lifestyle habits?
Chinese medicine can work wonders to change your health condition, increase longevity and vitality. Acupuncture and herbs can bring about a lot of change in your health. When coupled with dietary and lifestyle changes the effects are multiplied. Once your health has recovered and you have overcome your chronic condition or pain it is advisable to continue with the lifestyle and dietary changes. This will maintain your health status and prevent a recurrence of your pain or chronic health condition. For more information click the link: Diet and Lifestyle Counseling
Do I need to take Chinese herbs?
Herbs are an important part of Oriental Medicine, and, in China, they are often used as the primary method of treatment while acupuncture is considered as being secondary. Chinese herbs are always given in complex formulas designed for each individual patient. For example if ten patients all have lower back pain all ten patients will get different herbal formulas. This is true because all patients have unique medical histories and symptoms. Sleep, digestion, emotions, appetite, etc. are all taken into account and addressed during herbal treatments. The professional standard of care is raw herbal formulae (the actual herbs themselves cooked into a tea) or extract powders or granules that are individualized for the patient. Practitioners here in the US who primarily suggest the use of pills or tablets are either not trained in, or are uncomfortable offering the professional level of care seen in China and most of Asia today. For more specific information about Chinese herbal medicine visit: Chinese Herbal Medicine
What do I need to do between treatments?
Half of your treatment happens during your session in the office. the other half of the treatment is everything you are doing the other 23 hours in your day. Many patients are prescribed internal and herbal medicine to taken/applied daily. Dietary and lifestyle advice should be implemented between treatments to enhance the effects of treatment. Lifestyle and dietary changes will greatly decrease the number of sessions needed to attain your health goals.
Will Insurance cover the cost of treatment?
Many insurance companies cover the cost of acupuncture. Your coverage may vary depending on your specific plan and your diagnosis. Ira Wahrman L.Ac no longer participates with any insurance company although we will submit claims for you. That means you do not have any paperwork to complete. Remember, that insurance coverage is an agreement between you and your insurance company, not with any health care provider. You are responsible for understanding your health plan benefits and for obtaining any pre-certification or referrals necessary to guarantee coverage. As a service to our patients we accept payment by credit card so that patients do not have to pay cash out of pocket before being reimbursed for treatment by their insurance companies. If you would like us to submit claims for you please bring your insurance card with you during your first visit. As a courtesy to our patients we can also verify your out of network benefits prior to your arrival. Please click the link below to verify your insurance coverage.
What is your cancellation policy?
Our office maintains a 24 hour cancellation policy. Certain appointment times are in high demand. If an appointment is missed by a patient during that time it prevents others patients from being able to use that appointment slot. Patients who miss appointments or do not provide 24 hour notice of cancellation will be charged for the cost of their visit. This visit cannot be billed to insurance. New patients may have to provide a credit card number (including 3 digit CVV number) to reserve an appointment time. If there are any questions about this policy, please contact out office.
What is Chinese Medicine?
Chinese medicine is a collection of medical practices that have been practiced in China for thousands of years. Each modalities has its strengths and they are often used in combination to treat the unique medical needs of each patient. These modalities include acupuncture, moxibustion, internal herbal medicine, external herbal medicine, bodywork(tuina and reflexology), cupping, gua sha, diet and lifestyle counseling, qigong, etc. Ira Wahrman license acupuncturist practices each of these modalities and creates a customized treatment for each patient.
How do I know if a practitioner is qualified and knows what they are doing?
All practitioners of acupuncture and Oriental Medicine should be licensed as health care providers in the state they practice in. There are some people practicing Chinese herbal medicine who are not licensed as acupuncturists as in some states this practice is not regulated. Unfortunately, the majority of these practitioners have little or no formal training and represent more of a health care risk to the general population. All practitioners of Oriental Medicine are board certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). The NCCAOM currently offers four certifications. One, certification in Asian Bodywork Therapy (Dipl. ABT) is given to massage therapists. Acupuncturists are certified in Acupuncture (Dipl. Ac.), and those with professional level training can sit for an examination to also be board certified in Chinese herbal medicine (Dipl. CH). The gold standard is full certification in Oriental Medicine (Dipl. OM), which demonstrates competency in acupuncture, herbal medicine, bodywork therapy, other techniques of Oriental Medicine, as well as training in western biomedical sciences. For the highest quality of care patients should seek out practitioners fully certified in Oriental Medicine. Ira Wahrman licensed acupuncturist is certified in Oriental Medicine (Diploma. OM) and is licensed by the state of New York to practice acupuncture.
What if I have other questions about my condition and your office?
If you have any questions which are not covered here please feel free to give Ira Wahrman licensed acupuncturist a call at the office in Mamaroneck. The number for the office is (914)772-4044.