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Cupping and Gua Sha


cupping upper back and shoulder
Cupping for upper back and shoulder

Cupping is a therapy that is cross cultural.  It has been used all over the world throughout history.  Cupping is a technique using suction to remove toxin build up and muscle spasms form the bodies deeper tissues. In Chinese Medicine we say that when something is blocked there is pain.  For many patients suffering from chronic pain they have spasms in their muscles which causes toxins to build up over time.  By performing cupping we pull the toxicity out of the tissue and pull fresh new blood in which will revitalize the tissue and create better blood flow.  Cupping is used mainly when treating pain, stiffness, chills, fever, cough, wheezing, etc..  The effects of cupping are often immediate.  Cupping is also diagnostic as well as treatment.  When performing cupping an area larger than the problem area is cupped.  For example is someone has neck pain the neck will be cupped along with the upper back, shoulders and upper chest.  Often times you will find that tightness in the neck may be coming from tight muscles in the upper chest.  By using cupping we can shorten the healing time of neck pain, back pain, etc. by weeks or even months.  Cupping is an amazing technique.  Ira Wahrman acupuncturist offers this technique and it is often combined with bodywork or acupuncture to Create a synergistic effect.



Ira Wahrman acupuncturist performing cupping for upper back and shoulder pain
Cupping for upper back and shoulder pain

Ira Wahrman acupuncturist performing cupping for shoulder and neck pain
Cupping for shoulder and neck pain

Gua Sha                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Ira Wahrman acupuncturist performing gua sha
Ira Wahrman acupuncturist performing gua sha

Gua Sha is a technique from East Asian Medicine.  Sometimes it is refered to as scraping.  After applying oil to the skin the practitioner will use an instrument (usually a porecelain spoon) to stroke the skin.  This will cause petechia or “sha” to show up under the skin.  When the “sha” is raised the blood circulation to the tissue is increased and healing can occur.  There are many studies showing the effectiveness of gua sha in terms of its anti immflamatory and immune protecting effect.  Gua Sha is great for pain, stiffness, cough, fever, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, heat stroke, reducing chronic inflammation in patients suffering from autoimmune conditions.  Including rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, crohn’s, ulcerative colitis to name a few.  Gua sha similar to cupping as it will reduce the recovery time of various ailments.


Gua Sha Spoon and Oil
Gua Sha Spoon and Oil

Gua Sha Treatment
Gua Sha Treatment


Ira Wahrman licensed acupuncturist offers both of these treatments in his acupuncture clinic in Mamaroneck, New York.  Call (914)772-4044 to schedule an appointment today.

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