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The Cause Of Disease From A Chinese Medicine Perspective II

6594590193_af1b71bfb9_m The Yellow Emperor’s inner classic is a fundamental text in the history of Chinese Medicine.  To the Chinese Medicine Practitioner it is a treasure trove of useful clinical information.  To the Taoists it is sacred text discussing all phenomena in the natural world and it is a text to aid in meditation.  To fully understand the Yellow Emperors inner classic is to understand all phenomena.  Below is a short passage from the Yellow Emperor’s Classic discussing the origin of disease.

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The Cause Of Disease From A Chinese Medicine Perspective

     153577630_a2cd2ed734_zDid you know you can take control of your life and health by adjusting your lifestyle and diet? Beyond the well-known public health messaging of “Eat Less, Exercise More”, your body is a complex system of microorganisms that can fall out of balance with the slightest irritation to something you have eaten or are doing in your day-to-day life.

     I feel good knowing that most chronic disease arises from something I am doing and not something external to me.  I am still working on fine tuning my health.  It is always a work in progress.  This is not just to cure disease but to also prevent disease and gain longevity.  If you take charge of your health now you will be  stronger, healthier and more coherent  in old age.  You will also save money on all the costs related to chronic disease.

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Take A Walk After Eating To Improve Digestion

     14215967966_3179056801_nIn Chinese Medicine digestion is one of the most important processes that takes place in your body.  Proper rest and movement allows your body to digest food and drinks properly.  During the day many people eat on the run and after dinner we sit and watch television or lie down.  These are poor habits that will contribute to many chronic problems.

     Generally you should sit down and just focus on eating.  Do not watch television or read.  Try not to eat in a hurry and focus on chewing your food.  Allow your mind to be relaxed.  After you finish eating, sit and relax for about fifteen minutes then get up and go for a walk.  Try to take a walk in a park or some other relaxing place.  You do not need to walk quickly or even have a destination.  Just walk and try to take it easy. continue reading »

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What Should I Feel When I Receive Acupuncture?

     IMG_0502-793x594Acupuncture is a system of medicine that has existed for thousands of years in Asia.  Today it is practiced in China, Korean, Vietnam, Japan and many other countries all over the world.  There are many different styles with many different techniques.  There is one single thing that makes acupuncture work regardless of the style that is being used.  Proper needle manipulation to achieve the “de qi” sensation.  You might be asking yourself what  the heck is “de qi”.  De qi is a sensation that the acupuncturist illicit from proper needle insertion and manipulation.  A patient should feel pressure, soreness, distention, heaviness, warmth, or some sort of movement along the course of the channel. Some people describe the feeling of movement as a feeling of water or electricity.  These responses tell the body to perform certain functions.  They reprogram the body from a state of illness to a state of health.  They also tell the practitioner that they have needled the point correctly.

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Sound Sleep + Smooth Digestion = Good Health

sleeping-cat    From a Chinese Medicine point of view sleep and digestion are two of the most important things in regards to your health.


     A good nights sleep and smooth digestion can help your body not only stay strong and but also give you the strength to fight off disease. A good night’s sleep allows your body to fully rejuvenate and rest from the prior days work and play. A digestive system that functions properly allows us to get all of the nutrients from our food.

    Many of us suffer from sleep problems. Either we cannot fall asleep or we wake up several times during the night. Some of us do not trouble sleeping but we still wake up exhausted. Over time poor sleep quality can contribute to a wide array of physical and emotional issues. These include infertility, anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, weight gain among other problems.
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