Healthy Habits
For A Good Nights Sleep Soak Your Feet
In Chinese medicine the feet are viewed as the roots of the body. The energy in the lower half of the body should be warm and dense while the upper body should be cool and clear. Chinese people are very protective of their feet. They pay very close attention to keep their feet covered and warm. In today’s modern world a persons heart and mind is overly stressed. Too much sensory stimulation through modern technology and fast pace living tends to over work the nervous system. We tend to be less in our bodies and more in our heads. The most obvious results of this is insomnia, dream disturbed sleep, shallow sleep, stress, headaches, nervousness, infertility, constipation, fatigue and many other symptoms associated with a nervous system that is over stimulated. These symptoms can be helped with foot soaking. People that suffer from menstrual pain, infertility or other types of chronic pain may also find benefits from soaking their feet. This is due to the fact that warming the feet helps to increase circulation through the entire body. continue reading
How To Keep Yourself Healthy In The Winter
On the Chinese calendar winter started on November seventh. In Rego Park it does not seem much like winter though. Usually by this time of year we are already in the 30’s. We are nearing Christmas and it feels more like October. This time of year is an easy time for people to get sick. I would like to share some simple advice from Chinese medicine that will allow you to have a healthy and relaxed winter season. continue reading
Drink Hot Water For Better Health
The most important thing our body needs to sustain life is water. Since we need water to serve this basic purpose we might as well get the most out of what we drink. Most Americans drink water with ice or water that has been refrigerated. From a Chinese Medicine perspective this can and will result in a multitude of chronic health problems. The drinking of cold water will also aggravate other conditions that may not seem related. I know this may sound strange for most people but from a Chinese Medicine perspective it makes perfect sense. continue reading