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The Cause Of Disease From A Chinese Medicine Perspective

     153577630_a2cd2ed734_zDid you know you can take control of your life and health by adjusting your lifestyle and diet? Beyond the well-known public health messaging of “Eat Less, Exercise More”, your body is a complex system of microorganisms that can fall out of balance with the slightest irritation to something you have eaten or are doing in your day-to-day life.

     I feel good knowing that most chronic disease arises from something I am doing and not something external to me.  I am still working on fine tuning my health.  It is always a work in progress.  This is not just to cure disease but to also prevent disease and gain longevity.  If you take charge of your health now you will be  stronger, healthier and more coherent  in old age.  You will also save money on all the costs related to chronic disease.

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