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A Discussion Of Distal Acupuncture For Pain

xin xi
This two point group is called heart knee. It is a very famous point combination from the Master Tung acupuncture system. These points are extremely effective for knee pain.

     When most patients come in to see me in Mamaroneck for an acupuncture session to treat their pain condition they are often surprised to find that I usually do not place the needles in the area where they are experiencing the pain.    For example if a patient comes in for right knee pain I would not needle the right knee .  I might needle the left knee, the elbow or even their hand.  After the needles are in place I ask the patient to move their right knee.  The patient should experience some degree of pain relief.  When patients first experience this they think it is bizarre, but it definitely works.

      Why does it work?  From a Chinese medicine perspective every small part of your body represents the body as a whole.  You can treat every part of the body just by using a single part.  For example you could use the hand to treat back pain, headaches, foot pain, knee pain, shoulder pain etc.  It may sound crazy but I see it working everyday in the clinic.

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