Many patients call the office in Mamaroneck asking about acupuncture for weight loss. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can be very helpful for weight. In general there are two approaches. In general there are two approaches. The first approach is to use specific acupuncture points and treatment protocols that have been shown to help with weight loss. Practitioners who do this type of treatment will often advertise treatments for weight loss and it may even be one of their specialities. Another approach to weight loss is to look at a patients health in a holistic way. When I say a holistic way the focus is not primarily on the weight. The focus is making the person as healthy as possible and as a result the body will slowly find its own healthy weight.
I tend to follow a more holistic approach. First there are many reasons why a person may not be able to loose weight. It can be poor diet, improper lifestyle habits, lack of exercise, stress, poor sleep, anxiety, depression, poor digestion, chronic pain, hormonal imbalances, genetics, medications, etc. It can be a combination of things and it often is.
Stress and Insomnia
If you just focus on weight and do not transform your health through holistic treatment, diet and lifestyle adjustments it will be difficult to loose weight and keep it off. The first things that needs to be worked on are digestion, elimination, sleep, stress and emotional health. When under stress our bodies release hormones that will often increase hunger and cravings. Many people under stress consume more calories especially at night. I have many patients that have strong food cravings around bedtime. This is often due to stress. By managing stress with acupuncture and Chinese medicine treatments it becomes much easier to manage food cravings and your appetite. It is the same thing with sleep. If you are having trouble getting rest at night and suffer from insomnia your body will also tend to hold onto extra pounds. Lack of sleep will cause your body to release hormones that again will increase hunger and cravings and cause your body to hold onto weight. By getting adequate rest our bodies can regulate metabolism and hormones to keep us energized and relaxed during the day. As a result we make better choices and our bodies functions optimally which again will prevent weight gain and increase loss.
Poor digestion will also often lead to food cravings and poor eating habits. Patients who suffer from constipation, loose stools, ibs, Crohn’s, reflux etc. often have a difficult time loosing weight. This is due to the fact that regardless of the food they are eating they are not digesting well. By smoothing out digestive issues patients often find it much easier to make the dietary changes needed for good health and weight loss. If digesting poorly your body does not assimilate nutrients well and lead to cravings. You can eat the fanciest and most expensive health foods and still not loose weight. After eating you should feel satisfied and not crave sugar. Your stomach should be relaxed and your energy level should not be affected by your meal. In the morning before eating breakfast you should pass a normal stool. If this is not the case your digestion is not functioning optimally and you may have difficulty maintaining a healthy weight.
It is important to have healthy bowel movements and normal urination. Healthy elimination means your body is regulating waste properly. By normal urine I mean light yellow urine four to six times a day. It should not be hesitant, urgent or painful. If your urine falls outside of the normal guidelines your body may have trouble regulating waste and you may have a tendency to keep weight on.
Anxiety and Depression
Anxiety and depression are also major contributing factors weight gain and obesity. People who suffer from anxiety and depression will often have difficulty with managing their lifestyle and eating habits. Many people who feel depressed also have difficulty motivating themselves to make healthy lifestyle and dietary choices.
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Can Help
Obesity has become a major issue in this country and it is a contributing factor to many chronic health conditions. If you are having trouble loosing weight and want some help meeting your health goals feel free to give me a call to discuss your options. As a Chinese Medicine pracitiioner I strive to empower my patients. Making slow dietary and lifestyle changes accompanied by acupuncture, herbal and massage is a very good combination for many people to reach their health goals. Many people feel lost when it comes to their health. I can hopefully help you gain some clarity and put you on the path to better health. In time you will hopefully reach your optimal weight.
If you have any questions about acupuncture and Chinese medicine and would like to see if the treatments at the office in Mamaroneck would be a good fit for you feel free to call (914) 772-4044. If you would like to book your first appointment please click the button below.