On Saturday morning, my mother-in-law was complaining of dizziness and nausea. She does not have a history of vertigo, but by the evening, she could barely stand. She would not open her eyes and was very quiet. My wife and father-in-law were becoming very nervous. I had her lie down and inserted about eight acupuncture needles into various points on her body. After about 30 minutes, there was no change in her symptoms. So, I took the needles out and applied moxibustion. First, I put moxa shoes on her feet. Then, I burned moxa on ginger at 2-3 points. Within 5 minutes of putting the moxa shoes on, she opened her eyes and was her normal self. By the end of the treatment, the dizziness was gone, and she was back to normal. Yesterday, we repeated the same treatment, and she is doing fine. This is another example of how acupuncture did not work in the moment, but another technique worked almost instantly. Chinese medicine offers this versatility. I am not saying acupuncture cannot help with dizziness; it can, and I have seen it work many times for dizziness. In this particular case, on this particular day, moxa was the magic treatment.
Moxa is a very ancient treatment. It is most likely older than acupuncture. For more information on moxibustion, check out the moxa page on this site. There is a saying in Chinese medicine: if acupuncture and Chinese herbs cannot treat a problem, then apply moxa. I have seen this time and time again for chronic pain, excessive bleeding, autoimmune disorders, severe fatigue, fertility, and even anxiety and depression. Moxibustion can be very helpful for these conditions especially if other treatments are not helping
Moxibustion is also a technique used to prolong life, and it is used for longevity. Moxibustion has been shown to increase immunity and improve digestive function, reproductive function, etc. It just makes the body stronger and healthier. If you want to know if moxibustion is right for you, schedule a consultation today. You can call the acupuncture office in Mamaroneck at (914) 772-4044, or you can book online below.